Rabbi Sheftel Weinberg

"Compelling answers to compelling questions"

is Rabbi Sheftel Weinberg's life pursuit. Inspired and taught by his grandfather, Rav Ya'akov Weinberg zt"l, Rosh Yeshiva of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, Rav Sheftel applies this 'Mission Statement' to all of his learning and teaching endeavors. The demand for excellence, clarity and knowledge, from himself, his students and congregants is the central theme of all his shiurim.

A scion of the dynasty of Chassidus Slonim; cultivated by his Rebbi Rav Mottel Tzukerman zt"l; molded by his grandfather, Rav Chaim Stein zt"l Rosh Hayeshiva of Telz; and having breathed in the air of Slabodka from his great-grandfather, Rav Yakov Yitzchak Ruderman zt"l, Rav Sheftel is a truly unique combination of mesorah. That, compounded by a broad education and an analytical mind, has produced a mix that makes him especially popular to so many yungerleit, talmidim, and professionals. Solid, no-nonsense answers, explanations and tools, enable them to persevere and grow. Poised and articulate, Rav Sheftel has presented the Torah view on a wide range of subjects, to a broad-spectrum of audiences. Cold rationale coupled with a fiery refusal to see the Torah placed on the defendants stand have made him a formidable proponent of Torah truths, which he explains with a logical methodology that has become his hallmark.

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Acharei Mos - Living In God's World Chumash 40 min
Acharei Mos: Applying Tznius To The Kapores Chumash 29 min
Bamidbar: The Essence of a Levi Chumash 52 min
Lech Lecha - Avraham and Context Chumash 48 min
Mieketz: Bitachon Chumash 59 min
Noach: The Chein Equation Chumash 23 min
Yisro: An Intimate Relationship Vs. Mechanics Chumash 31 min
Yisro: Washing Clothes in Preparation for Matan Torah Chumash 51 min
Seven Headed Serpent Kedushin 29b Masechta Kiddushin 41 min
Arba Minim Moadim 90 min
Aura of Kehuna and Lag BaOmer Moadim 70 min
Chanukah 2017 Unchallengeable Veracity of Torah Moadim 41 min
Essence of Yom Kippur - Submarine Shiur Moadim 28 min
Pesach: You Matter Moadim 36 min
Purim Shiur: The Dark Night Moadim 47 min
Purim: Making Distinctions in Hester Punim Moadim 74 min
Rosh Hashana: Malchius, Zichronos, Shofros Moadim 51 min
Shavuos: How Torah Creates Individuality Moadim 53 min
Shovavim: Our Exceptional Uniqueness Moadim 67 min
Shovavim Shovovim 31 min
Bechira: Samael Gorel and Uzza Machshava 41 min
Understanding Olam Haba and S'char through Moshe Rabbeinu Machshava 113 min