
Speaker Filter Box:
Yisro (11) Definition of milacha - Who is Prohibited Rabbi Doniel Pransky 35 min
Yisro (12) Fifth Through Ninth Dibros Rabbi Doniel Pransky 47 min
Yisro (13) Tenth Dibro - Fear of Hashem Rabbi Doniel Pransky 46 min
Yisro (14) Keruvim and Mizvbeach Rabbi Doniel Pransky 58 min
Zechariah (02) Chapter 2 - The Future Yerushalayim 05-27-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 51 min
Zechariah (03) Chapter 3 - Yehoshua Kohain Gadol 06-03-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 48 min
Zechariah (04) Chapter 4 - The Menorah of Zechariah 06-10-20 Rabbi Doniel Pransky 57 min
Chinuch MiParshas Korach Rabbi Gamliel Rabinowitz 31 min
Mishpatim - Shomer Shemasar Leshomer Rabbi Moshe Radner 55 min
Parshas Beshalach - Zeh Keili V'Anveihu Rabbi Moshe Radner 34 min
Parshas Bo - Bal Yirah Bal Yimotzeh Rabbi Moshe Radner 43 min
Parshas Chayei Sara- Kiddushei Kesef Rabbi Moshe Radner 39 min
Parshas Ki Sisa - Bassur V'cholov Rabbi Moshe Radner 37 min
Parshas Lech Lecha- Mila- Mitzvah Aseh Sh'hazman Grama Rabbi Moshe Radner 40 min
Parshas Pekudei - Bassur Vcholov, Maares Ayin Rabbi Moshe Radner 43 min
Parshas Tetzavah - Yadayim Sh'ain Mochichus Rabbi Moshe Radner 43 min
Parshas Toldos- Makneh Davar Shelo Bo L'olom Rabbi Moshe Radner 47 min
Parshas Tzav - Women's Obligation In Megillah Rabbi Moshe Radner 38 min
Parshas Vayechi- Mitzvah L'kayim Divrey Hames Rabbi Moshe Radner 52 min
Parshas Vayeitzey- Kibud Av V'aim vs Talmud Torah Rabbi Moshe Radner 45 min
Parshas Vayeshev- Machlokes Yosef and The Shevatim Rabbi Moshe Radner 36 min
Parshas Vayikra - Heker Between Milchigs And Fleishigs and Waiting Between The Two Rabbi Moshe Radner 44 min
Parshas Vayishlach- Gid Hanasheh Rabbi Moshe Radner 40 min
Parshas Yisro Sakanas Nefashos Docheh Shabbos Rabbi Moshe Radner 46 min
Shemini - Yoreh Deah Siman 99 Bassur V'cholov (continued) Rabbi Moshe Radner 41 min