
Speaker Filter Box:
Yisro 5770 Rabbi Zvi Zimmerman 37 min
Bechukosai and Amalus baTorah Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 49 min
Beshalach - Ha'Man Emunah and Manna Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 28 min
Chassidus Parashas Shemos Power of a Sigh Nesivos Shalom Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 45 min
Chassidus Parashas VaYechi Nesivos Shlom Menashe & Ephraim Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 39 min
Chassidus Parshas Ki Savo Yismach Yisroel Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 16 min
Chassidus Parshas Nitzavim Yismach Yisroel Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 6 min
Chassidus Parshas Noach Kedushas Levi Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 21 min
Chassidus Parshas Noach Noam Elimelech Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 12 min
Chassidus Parshas Va'eira - We Write Torah Through Our Lives Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 17 min
Degel Machneh Efraim on Parshas Ekev Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 20 min
Lech Lecha Chassidus Part 1 Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 26 min
Lech Lecha Chassidus Part 2 Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 33 min
Mishpatim - The Secret of Reincarnation and Gilgulim Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 19 min
Mishpatim Nesivos Shalom Slonim The 3 Slaves and What Lessons we Learn Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 27 min
Nesivos Shalom on parashas Beha'aloscha Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 25 min
Nesivos Shalom on parshas Beha'aloscha Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 25 min
Ohev Yisroel Masai - How Kerias Shema is our Ir Miklat Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 14 min
Parashas Miketz Dreams Shabbos & Channukah Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 51 min
Parashas Terumah How do we really love Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 21 min
Parashas Terumah Uplifted through the Tzadik Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 25 min
Parashas Yisro - Coming Close from Afar Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 38 min
Parshas Tetzaveh Sealing & Opening the Craft of GemStones and the Secrets of the Menorah Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 27 min
Parshas VaYeshev The Jewel in the Sand Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 12 min
Parshas VaYikra - Self Sacrifice Rabbi Tal Moshe Zwecker 5 min