
Speaker Filter Box:
Yosef as Royalty Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 40 min
Yosef in Prison Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 43 min
Zachor - Amalek and Moshe's Staff Rabbi Yitzchak Scher 30 min
Bamidbar-The Introduction to Kabbalas HaTorah Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 16 min
Sefas Emes - Karbanos, Adam and Klal Yisroel Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 26 min
Sefas Emes - Mishkan HaEdus, Edus on Klal Yisrael+ the Bracha in being an Eesh Klal; Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 25 min
Sefas Emes - The message of the Luchos and naasa vnishma Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 24 min
Sefas Emes on Parshas Tetzave Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 23 min
Sefas Emes on Parshas Trumah Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 21 min
The central message of Korach and Shelach Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 19 min
The central message of Korach and Shelach Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 19 min
The enormous Chesed of the Jewish people as they left mitzrayim (Shloshim of my Grandmother) Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 33 min
The Essence of Sefer Bamidbar acc. to the Netziv and the Sefas Emes Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 51 min
The Removal of Moshe's mask Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 17 min
Vayaitzai - The name Levi and leadership Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 15 min
Zos Chukas HaTorah - A Study in Paradoxes Rabbi Dovid Schoonmaker 15 min
Parshas Shemos 5775 Rabbi Avraham Schorr 23 min
Chodesh Shevat and Shovavim Rabbi Avroham Schorr 39 min
Parshas Mishpatiam Rabbi Avroham Schorr 24 min
Bereishis Shiur 1 Rabbi Gedalya Schorr 57 min
Bereishis Shiur 2 Rabbi Gedalya Schorr 30 min
Lech Lecha Shiur 1 Rabbi Gedalya Schorr 33 min
Lech Lecha Shiur 2 Rabbi Gedalya Schorr 81 min
Parshas Nitzavim Rabbi Gedalya Schorr 29 min
3134-Vayigash‎ Rabbi Yosef Chaim Schwab 23 min