
Speaker Filter Box:
Chukas 5757 True and Eternal Nachas from One's Children Rabbi Yosef Tendler 24 min
Emor 5756 Rabbi Yosef Tendler 19 min
Emor 5758 Rabbi Yosef Tendler 30 min
Emor 5770 Understanding Why We Do What We Do Rabbi Yosef Tendler 28 min
Hocheach Tochiach - Concern for Others Rabbi Yosef Tendler 24 min
Hocheach Tochiach - Concern for Others Rabbi Yosef Tendler 24 min
Ki Sisa 5770 Four Words That Changed a Life Rabbi Yosef Tendler 22 min
Lech Lecha Rabbi Yosef Tendler 32 min
Lech Lecha 5752 Sefer Hayashar- living a life of yashrus Rabbi Yosef Tendler 35 min
Miketz Chanukah 5756 Pharaoh's Birthday Rabbi Yosef Tendler 20 min
Parshas Chukas-Balak Rabbi Yosef Tendler 21 min
Parshas Chukas-Balak Rabbi Yosef Tendler 21 min
Shmini - One Remembers What he Values Rabbi Yosef Tendler 19 min
Shoftim Cutting Fruit Trees Rabbi Yosef Tendler 18 min
Toldos 5757 Things to be aware regarding money given by your parents Rabbi Yosef Tendler 21 min
Toldos 5770 Zehirus from Gezel - Clean Hands - Do Not Justify Taking from Others Rabbi Yosef Tendler 25 min
Vayeitzei 5756 - A Beis Medrash is a Mikdash Mi'at Rabbi Yosef Tendler 17 min
Vayeitzei 5770 Respecting Material Possessions and Using Them For Their Intended Purpose Rabbi Yosef Tendler 22 min
Vayigash 5771 Listening to Hashem's Messages Rabbi Yosef Tendler 25 min
Vayikra 5756 Living True. Make up your mind Rabbi Yosef Tendler 22 min
Vayishlach 5770 Appreciating Hashem's Chessed Rabbi Yosef Tendler 21 min
A Pure Korban Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein 65 min
A Pure Korban Part 2 Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein 70 min
Bereishis And Noach 10-09-07 Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein 61 min
Bereishis And Noach 10-09-07 Rabbi Zecharia Wallerstein 61 min